I & T Produce Company, Inc

1601 East Olympic Blvd., #320

Los Angeles, CA 90021
Phone: 213.629.4617

:: A Message From Mark

I want to thank all of our customers who have trusted and valued our products and services over the years.


As the produce industry changes, I&T will continue to focus on our customers needs by providing quality products that promote sales and business opportunities.



Mark Tanimura

Vice President

I & T Produce Company, Inc.

About our Company

The ownership and management of I & T Produce Company has spanned three generations, starting with the founders Ted Igasaki and Joe K. Tanimura in 1946.

The company has had its headquarters in the well-known Los Angeles Wholesale Produce Market since 1986.

I & T Produce Company is a "Dealer and Bonded Commission Merchant" and has had an impeccable reputation for honesty, integrity, and superb customer service.

The company has grown over the years and currently maintains a fully equipped  refrigerated facility, with loading and unloading capabilities.